by Lisa Princic
Your reality changes when you change your beliefs about other people and yourself. In these past two weeks, I have been putting out myself out there in a bigger way than usual. I have made a number of bold asks and offers to people. Ones that I haven’t made this frequently in the past.
Some of them have been asks of help to review and promote my book, Soul Strategy, some have been to partner on new products and others have simply involved being open about what I am working on and what help I need to reach my goals.
What has changed? I’ve changed. I am showing up differently. I have clarity and focus about what I want to achieve and confidence that I can add value. The result is that I’ve been invited to join a number of groups to collaborate, think-tank and support each other and our businesses.
Staying in regular contact with other goal-setting, heart-based, talented human beings is changing my outlook and my performance.
There are a few core groups that are helping me transform and play big in my business. In fact, they are changing what big even means to me. Here’s what they are:
Peer masterminds
In business you can’t rely on your friends & family members to always be there with the right kind of support. You need people tackling similar challenges to share strategies and solutions. There is a lot to learn as a business owner and you can’t read all the books and take all the courses. There isn’t enough time.
You also can’t reach everyone by yourself. Having a peer to share the workload by sharing contacts for promotional offers or even collaborating on a product will help you grow faster and establish credibility to a broader audience.
Cultivate formal peer groups that meet regularly for shared outcomes. Peers are invaluable for accountability and for elevating your thinking. Weekly masterminds are the best. I have one that meets weekly in which I learn a lot about enhancing my performance and another one that meets monthly where I stay connected to my fullest self and continue to build on my strengths.
Mentor communities
One of the things that made the biggest difference in my business was joining a program, called Quiet Power Strategy, from a mentor who runs her business at a way higher level than I did. It was a high priced program … and worth every penny. It gave me the depth of knowledge that I needed in order take my business to the next level and surrounded me by people who are also focused on growing in the same way.
If you want to play big you need to get mentorship by others who are playing bigger. Having direct access to my favourite business mentors and peers who are incredibly wise, talented, well connected & inspirational has allowed me to fast track my business development. A good program also comes with its own community so the learning and connecting keeps going. You also get inside knowledge on how people who are at a higher revenue level think and act.
It changed my mindset from one of looking on the outside thinking I’d like to ramp up my business to that level to being actively engaged in bringing up my business to the next level with the confidence that I know how to do it.
Both of these types of groups have provided me with many benefits such as:
- Access to knowledge by sharing resources and tools
- Moral support and soul-building
- Accountability to follow through on stated goals
- Sharing networks and contacts
- Partnering on initiatives and co-promoting
- Insight into the inner workings of bigger businesses
They have boosted my confidence and credibility by leaps and bounds.
Whether you choose both or just one for now, start putting out that you want to attract key allies who can help you play big in your business and sooner than you might realize, you’ll find the right people. When the student is ready the teachers show up.

Lisa Princic is a Business Strategist & Membership Expert who helps thought leaders & niche experts build wildly successful memberships while making a positive impact. She helps entrepreneurs scale with powerful positioning & profitable programs designed around their zone of genius. A staunch believer in simplicity, Lisa helps her clients accomplish their goals by focusing on what to do AND what to ignore.