by Lisa Princic
Not enough money is often a cover-up for foundational flaws
“There’s not enough money”, or “I don’t have the time”.
I know how it feels to think that you don’t have money or time to do the many different things you could to get closer to the revenue, the profit and the freedom you want.
It’s a constant pull. You can’t do them all or justify them all so you say there’s not enough money.
When I’ve seen people say this, they’ve tried lots of things and are not sure what will move them forward. They haven’t experienced recognizable progress. They are super frustrated!
But having all the time and money in the world would be to your detriment.
You would stall more, explore wider and probably be way less efficient. You’d be spending so much energy on things you don’t actually need. Because it’s easy to spend when you can.
This can be beneficial during the exploration phase of a business or in early startup. But efficiency is the name of the game once your business is up and running. Efficiency means you have a purpose, a focused plan and what to spend your time and energy on is clear and necessary.
If you are not purposeful, focused or clear you need to find those foundational flaws and fix them.
And that means identifying which ones they are. When people say there’s not enough money or time, here’s what’s more likely happening:
The product to person match is off.
This is a value proposition issue. If you have this problem you’ll feel like nothing is getting results, all investments don’t change your revenue reality. Leads and sales are few and far between.
There is still more work to do to figure out who you need to be selling to and why they’d be willing to buy it.
Not communicating the value proposition properly.
When you know you have a great value proposition – you are getting consistent and measurable results for your customers and they love you – but you can’t seem to earn more you might have a branding problem.
Not enough people are “getting” what you do for people. When I got the messaging right on my website, the number of prospects who came to my website, signed up for a consultation and hired me, tripled.
Marketing without focused goals.
Generic marketing without a clear focused goal and plan, like building your list so you can eventually invite prospects to buy from you, is fragmented. And you get fragmented results. If you feel like you “don’t have enough money” to market, you actually believe that you won’t get the money back from your effort.
If you have a focused goal, you can marketing appropriately until you get that result. That’s a smart investment.
Have all the right plans but not enough support.
If the plans are the right ones, the support is worth it. If you know what you are launching pitching, and the specific result you want and you know how to get it, do it! Growth only happens when you take consistent action! And that might mean getting even more help.
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These above four situations are the places to look first when you find yourself making excuses for not taking action.
Not enough money is often a cover-up for foundational flaws in your business, which means you need to scrap the excuses and fix them! It’s not as difficult as you think and it will make all the difference in your ability to reach your revenue goals.

Lisa Princic is a Business Strategist & Membership Expert who helps thought leaders & niche experts build wildly successful memberships while making a positive impact. She helps entrepreneurs scale with powerful positioning & profitable programs designed around their zone of genius. A staunch believer in simplicity, Lisa helps her clients accomplish their goals by focusing on what to do AND what to ignore.