Your business IS a system

Business plan image with collage hand drawings

Most seasoned business owners use systems in their companies to create results. Even though the term SYSTEM doesn’t make we want to leap out of bed every morning, I believe in them wholeheartedly.

Because like it or not, the world is made up of systems. From the various eco-systems in different regions, to the complex set of steps our bodies use to function, our neighbourhoods operate, our governments run – we are always part of a cycle of some sort full of causes and effects.

In it’s technical definition …

“A system is a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method.”

In your business your cycle is probably something like this:  create, promote, close, deliver, follow-up, repeat.

Pretty obvious, huh? So what’s the catch?

The point I want to make is that you must be thinking about and operating your entire business and it’s major functions as systems or it just won’t last. It will be either too inefficient, random, confusing or challenging to be able to keep up long-term production.

In other words you will either burn-out by not being able to cut down on the time of your tasks, nor produce enough because you aren’t sure how to use your time effectively, your customers will become frustrated because the service or product they get is inconsistent in some capacity and they find new companies to fill their needs or you simply miss vital opportunities that produce sales.

It takes a lot of energy to customize every part of your daily actions. If you have to think about every little step you need to take each new day, then you will spend all of your time thinking and not doing any of it.

I see so many entrepreneurs miss out on growth because of the leaks in their business caused by not having systems.

On a recent trip to Belize, I witnessed a tour operator who didn’t have a standard follow-up for guests who came on their amazing river kayaking trips. They were missing the opportunity to thank them for coming and ask them to refer friends and post a review on Trip Advisor. The result is that they had only a few reviews and ranked super low on the scale of local adventures.

A high ranking is basically free marketing and referrals are easy sales.

We often resist systems because we think routine tasks can be boring. Let’s face it, we are creative types who want to innovate and dream and stimulate the creative part of our brain.

If that’s the case, creating systems for the less exciting tasks will cut down on the time you have to spend doing them. And then you can eventually delegate them with ease because you have streamlined much of the process.

The major benefit of creating systems for your business is that you are capturing all of the processes that are working well and ensuring you do them again and again. If left to chance, it’s too easy to miss vital steps that often lead to great new connections and interactions and get you the sale.

What are you potentially not doing because its not incorporated into your standard way of doing things? Sales? Marketing? Follow-ups? Customer service? Invoicing to create cash flow?

Do a SWOT analysis to find out more what is working well in your business and begin to create regular days and times to consistently carry out these winning moves.

Or simply review your goals and figure out what kind of systems you need to create that will lead you to them. It will also help you to stop obsessively checking your goals and feeling overwhelmed by how far they are from here.

All you need to do is focus on the next best action steps and observe and write down the patterns and POW you have yourself a system!

When did you start using systems and how have they changed your business outputs? Tell us in the comments below.

Do you know someone constantly chasing their tail and avoiding turning their beautiful art, innovative product or talent into a profitable business. Be a good friend and share this information with them!

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Lisa Princic is a Business Strategist & Membership Expert who helps thought leaders & niche experts build wildly successful memberships while making a positive impact. She helps entrepreneurs scale with powerful positioning & profitable programs designed around their zone of genius. A staunch believer in simplicity, Lisa helps her clients accomplish their goals by focusing on what to do AND what to ignore.

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