Top 10 things savvy entrepreneurs master in the early days to stay sane


I realize that there are a number of essential things that new entrepreneurs (and when I say “new” I mean anywhere from start to still flailing many years later) need to know to make their journey so much more pleasant. I am not going to sugar coat it, it’s a really tough ride at times. I see clients of all kinds who struggle with basic self-promotion, who are super unorganized, who don’t have a plan, who want growth but are afraid of it and there are a few, just a few that, suffer from all of these.

We find ourselves in our own personal little hell at times and rest assured, we all feel it, just make sure you get proactive about it. Here is a coach’s perspective (c’est moi) on the battles you are still facing and what to do about them:

  1. Money, money, money – keep investing (wisely) until you start making it, chances are you still have some things to learn
  2. Think in years, not weeks – the long term vision is more important than short term goals
  3. Get over yourself, risk and experiment – you know that think you are afraid to do, do it!
  4. You are enough already – you are perfectly designed, built, conditioned and put on this earth as you are, right now, to do this work
  5. Your business is a platform to battle your personal demons but it’s not the best arena – do your personal healing upfront to avoid repeating negative habits over and over that spill into your business
  6. Outsource what you don’t know or don’t like to do – admin stuff or things outside of your expertise mainly, free up your dead energy in those areas that bring you down
  7. Don’t think you can get away with outsourcing sales and the overall responsibility of the marketing plan – you are your best sales asset unless your brand is widely recognized
  8. Talk to people daily so you don’t get caught up in your head too much – no caving unless you are on a BIG project requiring deep concentration
  9. Use the tools that others aren’t using when you want to get noticed – phone calls, snail mail, cards, videos are way less common than social media & posts these days
  10. Whatever you do, do it consistently – chaos may be cute but it only goes so far, systems lead to growth and demonstrate that you are committed to the long haul

That’s 10. I could have written 10 more. I will soon. Try these on first!

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Lisa Princic is a Business Strategist & Membership Expert who helps thought leaders & niche experts build wildly successful memberships while making a positive impact. She helps entrepreneurs scale with powerful positioning & profitable programs designed around their zone of genius. A staunch believer in simplicity, Lisa helps her clients accomplish their goals by focusing on what to do AND what to ignore.

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