The road to becoming a thought leader with Carol Cox of Speaking Your Brand
I’m continuing to explore authenticity in brands and ethical business practices, as well as examining my own role as a thought leader. To help me (and you) get a better idea of what this might actually look like, today’s episode is a conversation with Carol Cox, founder of Speaking Your Brand. She previously appeared on Episode 4 of the Scaling Deep Podcast - check out Improve audience engagement by leading with who you are with Carol Cox.
This conversation is pretty wide-ranging and we cover a lot, as we try to unpick not only what being a thought leader actually entails, but also how it can help you to move forward in your business. In the next episode, I’ll be sharing how I’m developing my own brand as a thought leader.
Carol Cox is the founder and CEO of Speaking Your Brand and a sought-after presenter and trainer on public speaking, business storytelling, and women's leadership. COVID has led her to pivot her business’ mission in order to amplify women's voices and develop more women thought leaders and prominent speakers, with bold messages, well-crafted signature talks, and visibility plans to attract the right opportunities.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- What is thought leadership? - Carol’s definition and some examples of real-world thought leaders.
- Carol’s V.O.I.C.E. framework and the five elements which you need to communicate your thought leadership brand.
- How tapping into your emotions and sharing personal perspectives at the right time can help you to communicate your unique viewpoint.
- Thought leadership, mission and a bold message - are they the same and do you need all three?
- The difference between business marketing experts, influencers and thought leaders.
- How recognising your niche can help you develop your thought leadership brand.
- Details of Carol’s Thought Leader Academy program.
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Have you signed up for my upcoming Profitable Membership Summit yet? Running from February 23-26, this summit is aimed at coaches, consultants and professionals who want to grow their business through membership programmes. Register for FREE at profitablemembershipsummit.com and check out my All Access and VIP packages.
Links to Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- FREE - register for The Profitable Membership Summit (February 23-26)
- The Scaling Deep Marketing Lounge
- Episode 184 of the Speaking Your Brand podcast: Why Some Speakers Become Thought Leaders
- Episode 185 of the Speaking Your Brand podcast: My Journey as a Thought Leader and How We’re Evolving at Speaking Your Brand
- The Speaking Your Brand website, and the FREE Workbook to Develop Your Thought Leadership & V.O.I.C.E.
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