Podcast #25 Lisa Princic page header(1)


Have you heard about those big businesses out there that are killing it with only one or two offers?

You can build a million and multimillion dollar business with just one or two things. And we see it all the time.

I think that's how we double down on our expertise and that's how we get really clear on the results that we get for people. When we focus on getting the outcomes we promise our clients instead of being an expert at creating funnels and packages and sales pages, all designed to get people to buy up and move from here to there

So those minimalist million dollar business models really fuelled my passion for today's episode on why you need a signature service in your business.

Your signature service can start from a framework that you then develop a program out of. But it really describes the A to B path during which your client moves from their state of pain and desire to their outcome that they want and that you want to deliver to them. And it is so important not only in what you deliver but in describing what you do and your messaging.

Because if you aren't clear on what that starting and what that end place is and you're not consistent in speaking about that, people will just not understand what you do.

Your signature service is the system that you use consistently to get results. It should be based on the thing you do best. It often starts as one on one work and that's the beautiful thing is that you can take the thing that you've been doing for a long time and decided to develop a program out of it. Instead of just saying, well, I've been doing this one on one thing for a long time, but I'm going to actually decide to develop a program on something totally different.

Your signature service can become a polished offer or group program eventually, but it doesn't have to start out that way. Some people also call it intellectual property because it is a unique system to you.

Your signature service is that point that you've dialled where you get really clear on your roadmap to getting those people from A to their B outcome where you can begin to map out those steps, take out the customization and sell it as a one to many program, however you want to do it.

Whether it's live at an event with courses or even in online groups, you can begin to offer it to more than one person at a time because you've dialled it and you know it so well and begin to earn leveraged income, which is the model for creating a million dollar business or even a multi hundreds business.

Entrepreneurship is all about creating efficiency. It's not being a contractor, it's not being a consultant.

While contractors, consultants, and freelancers provide a valuable service, it's not that scalable unless as a consultant using a framework to hire other people to do what you're doing and you focus on sales, that model is scalable, but that still requires a signature framework.

If you want to dial in your own signature service please join the next Position Your Mastery workshop!

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Hey there. I know what it's like to try and fail over and over again. I've been through all the mindset ups and downs, feeling like a failure and wondering why it's so hard to attract amazing clients consistently.

I finally realized, more recently that I'd like to admit, I was still hiding. I was afraid to put my work into the world in case no one wanted it. What I really wanted was for someone to say, "hey you, your stuff is great, come share it with my audience".  Finally I realized that that would never happen, not until I started first.

Putting out my content and message into the world had to begin with me. I  committed to showing up consistently and building my own meaningful relationships. The result? Much more clarity about how to gain visibility and grow my brand. And, of course, THIS PODCAST which I'm thrilled to host!


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