
Want a membership that lasts long into the future?

Profitable Membership Pricing Formula

The ultimate guide for choosing the right price for your dream program

Have you been thinking about recurring revenue for way too long?


You wanted to create a membership program because of all the right reasons:

  • Wanting to serve more than one person at the same time
  • Earning monthly recurring revenue & have it continue to grow
  • Creating magic inside a community where you don't have to show up daily to make a big impact

But you're worried about overdelivering and undercharging and, despite all the value you provide, not seeing it grow.

Does starting a membership and getting it right feel like a pipe dream?

You've heard the stories. Or maybe you're in this situation right now. Memberships that close down because "it's just not worth it".

The owners can't keep members long enough. And it causes them to panic and start delivering even more content. Stuffing it so full that they can't keep up with all the delivery.

And it still hasn't solved the problem of keeping members happy. Plus, the cost to get each new member in outpaces the value they bring. Ugh!

So they throw in the towel thinking memberships are hard.

Little do they know that they are pretty easy ... when you don't fall into the most common membership traps.


If you're finding yourself feeling burnt out & wondering why running your dream program isn't feeling so dreamy, you might have fallen into one of these pricing traps:


Not charging enough for the value you deliver creates a mismatch in expectations of what members can really achieve as a result of joining & partipating.


Giving more of you than you need to inside the program can overwhelm you and your members and leaves little room for creating accession paths to & from other programs.


Focusing on giving too much away, for too little, often results in not enough profit to reinvest into creating a robust sales system. Without this, it's impossible to grow sustainably.

Girl, you need to fix your pricing!

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Let's look at what's inside:


What Goes Into Sustainable Pricing

First things first. We're going to dive into the essentials of profitable pricing by covering why it's so important and the most common pricing mistakes to shed some light on why so many memberships aren't profitable.


Defining Your Value

One of the biggest challenges we have as business owners is understanding our true value. In this lesson, I'll walk you through a framework to help you define the impact potential of your program to help you figure out what it's worth!

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The 4 Pricing Categories

There are so many choices when pricing a membership. To make a good decision for you and your type of business, it's helpful to look through a lens of categories - micro, low-ticket, high-ticket and premium. This lesson will go through each one of these in depth.

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a Hot take on tiers

When the membership doesn't feel sustainable, it's easy to think that adding another tier is the way to solve all the problems. I'm going to share my true feelings on tiers, when they are a good idea, when they are not and show examples of other ways to increase life-time-value of your members.

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What to do when you’ve done it wrong

This lesson is perfect for those who already have their membership up and running, are questioning if it's working and want help to figuring out what to do next. I'll bring my experience working with many membership owners to provide several options to move forward with your membership dream intact.

Stop Guessing + Make Your Membership Movement A Sure Thing


  • How to make decisions on your membership
  • What to consider when choosing a lasting price-point
  • How content, outcomes and format affect pricing levels
  • Which membership price category best suits your business model & offer suite
  • Low-ticket vs. high-ticket and how you need to sell each one
  • Why profitability is so important and how to make sure it's built in
  • How to undo what you've already done to make it work better
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Is perfect for:

  • Online business owners curious about how to price group offers
  • Membership owners who're questioning their current price
  • Coaches, professionals & experts who want to create a low-effort program that lasts long into the future

Who Am I? A Business Strategist Who Cares ...

Hey there! I'm Lisa Princic, a West Coast woman and the owner of Scaling Deep. A business dedicated to helping online business owners figure out their growth strategies, aligned with their values & desired lifestyle. Over the last 14 years, I've helped 1000’s of impact-driven business owners dive deep into their unique value and business models with compelling brands & profitable memberships.

Helping experts become thought leaders lights up my soul. This happens somewhere within the intersection of wealth & impact. I wholeheartedly believe in simplicity and sustainability, and help my clients build 6 & 7 figure memberships by focusing on what to do AND what to ignore.

Lisa bio coffee

What people say about the Profitable Membership Pricing Formula:

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What's Included:

  • 5 lessons on every pricing argument under the sun, specific to online memberships
  • A guide to defining your value
  • A thorough discussion on the four pricing categories
  • Pricing mistakes, foundations and philosophies
  • Tiers, upsells & offer suites
  • Up-to-date pricing chart

Total Value - $497.00

Regular price - $247.00