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Coaching episode - How to share your passion project with your business audience in a meaningful way with Tiffany Hawk

This episode began as a business-design coaching session with my client Tiffany Hawk but mutated into a wide-ranging discussion about visibility. As well as this, it’s almost a summary of the main topics we’ve been covering on the podcast recently - including values-based positioning, thought leadership, and bold messaging.

Tiffany runs a coaching and editing business, working with journalists, writers, and entrepreneurs who have a meaningful book inside them. However, her desire to work deeply with clients who have found her through referrals and blog traffic has meant that she has been struggling to keep up with demand. And then she earned the opportunity to work on a passion project close to her heart and core values.

As Tiffany says here, “The universe is saying that it’s message time.”

In July 2021 (and every three months after that), I’m launching my Profitable Membership Club. This will be exclusively for women who want to start up a membership scheme or have already set one up but need guidance on how to improve it. I’ll focus more on delivery than sales, as I believe if you get the delivery right, the sales will come. These membership schemes have the potential to replace the need for marketing!

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Tiffany’s experiences of writing, editing, and teaching, and how she has grown her coaching and editing business through referrals and blog traffic.
  • Why not every client is the right client.
  • The arts grant and award which threatened to blow Tiffany off course - and why it’s actually the perfect way to establish her brand.
  • How to ensure that, if you’re providing value to your audience, it also provides value to yourself.
  • Why it’s a good idea to challenge your own assumptions - how do you make sure that people are finding you online for the right reasons?
  • Why Tiffany should be vulnerable and share her journey to attract the people she really wants to work with.
  • How we can (and should) find a connection between the things we work on and the things we care about - and how, once we find the right value proposition and wording, we will find the people we can best serve.

Links to Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If not, I'd like to encourage you to do that right now. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding an in-depth interview with personable business owners who are still in the trenches so the learning is current.

Now if you’re feeling extra connected to what we've shared, I would LOVE it if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also giving me great feedback on how I'm doing. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what part of the podcast moved you. Thanks so much!


Hey there. I know what it's like to try and fail over and over again. I've been through all the mindset ups and downs, feeling like a failure and wondering why it's so hard to attract amazing clients consistently.

I finally realized, more recently that I'd like to admit, I was still hiding. I was afraid to put my work into the world in case no one wanted it. What I really wanted was for someone to say, "hey you, your stuff is great, come share it with my audience".  Finally I realized that that would never happen, not until I started first.

Putting out my content and message into the world had to begin with me. I  committed to showing up consistently and building my own meaningful relationships. The result? Much more clarity about how to gain visibility and grow my brand. And, of course, THIS PODCAST which I'm thrilled to host!

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