SD #70 Sara Kappler page header

The only metrics that really matter for long-term sustainable growth with Sara Kappler

Welcome to Operations Month, everyone! Over the month of May, we’re going to be digging into the operations side of business and why it’s just as important for us small businesses as it is for big companies. 

Often, solopreneurs and other small business owners are more focused on their craft and their delivery than the technical, nuts-and-bolts parts of running the business. While that love of the craft is great, building a business that will grow and sustain itself long-term means we have to put systems and processes in place that help us find new clients, manage our relationships with current ones, and design effective, value-driven marketing for our services. A helpful (but often intimidating) tool for doing all of that is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, which we’re talking about with an expert in today’s episode. 

Sara Kappler is the owner and founder of Sara Kappler Consulting, where she and her team focus on CRM-driven growth for small businesses. Sara helps small business owners implement CRMs, capture tons of helpful customer and marketing data, and roll out marketing according to those metrics. 

Sara and I talk about what CRM software does and why it can be such a boon for small businesses who want to grow. We discuss how a CRM can help you stay top-of-mind with new and old clients, the data it can help you gather about your clients and your network, and why you should get yourself organized early on in your business.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What a CRM software does and why it can be a useful tool for small business owners that might feel intimidated by it. 
  • Some of the most important metrics to track in your small business.
  • How and why to maximize the connections you already have with your clients (instead of relying only on new ones). 
  • What analytics to look at if you want to reshape your business and your offerings. 
  • How metrics can help you design marketing that resonates with different segments of your audience.
  • When you should invest in a better understanding of your metrics and all the data your business has to offer.

Links mentioned in this show

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Hey there. I know what it's like to try and fail over and over again. I've been through all the mindset ups and downs, feeling like a failure and wondering why it's so hard to attract amazing clients consistently.

I finally realized, more recently that I'd like to admit, I was still hiding. I was afraid to put my work into the world in case no one wanted it. What I really wanted was for someone to say, "hey you, your stuff is great, come share it with my audience".  Finally I realized that that would never happen, not until I started first.

Putting out my content and message into the world had to begin with me. I  committed to showing up consistently and building my own meaningful relationships. The result? Much more clarity about how to gain visibility and grow my brand. And, of course, THIS PODCAST which I'm thrilled to host!


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