SD #73 Danielle Levy page header

Building relationships to find your dream clients with Danielle Levy

Are you an integrator or a visionary? I was skeptical about this binary personality divide before today’s episode, but our guest for the last episode of Operations Month changed my mind. Even if you’re a mix of the two, you might like one side of business a little bit better than the other - and that personal preference can helpfully impact the way you build relationships with not just your peers, but your ideal clients, too.

Our guest today is Danielle Levy, who is a Marketing Operations Manager and an integrator. She is a professional problem solver for solopreneurs and small business owners and loves helping clients re-think and tackle their most pressing challenges.

I thought that Danielle and I would talk a lot about the client experience since that’s the core of her business, but we actually spoke about integrators vs. visionaries, what each has to offer the other and how she’s built a network of talented professionals that help her reach more and more of her ideal clients. Having a solid grasp on who your ideal client is and where you can find them is key to operations, so I was really excited to zero in on that in today’s episode. 

Danielle and I also discuss networking as an introvert and what she’s learned from stretching herself to work with new and different clients.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The differences between integrators and visionaries. 
  • How these integrators and visionaries can complement each other to make a business run well and grow consistently.
  • How Danielle figured out she was an integrator and some of the skills she uses to benefit her clients.
  • Why you should network in a way that works for you, your workload, and your current + desired number of clients.
  • How Danielle builds close relationships with her peers and why this is an excellent way to connect with more of your ideal clients.
  • Why joining groups of like-minded business owners and peers in your industry can be a great way to build your network.
  • Why Danielle believes it’s important to keep up regular activity in the channels you choose to show up in - even if you’re not a huge social media person.

Links mentioned in this show

  • Danielle Levy
  • Springboard
  • Want to figure out the marketing plan that perfectly aligns with your business model? Download my Scaling Deep Marketing Roadmap! It’s designed to help you make great decisions in your marketing, waste less time, and create a marketing plan that will get you consistent results.




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Hey there. I know what it's like to try and fail over and over again. I've been through all the mindset ups and downs, feeling like a failure and wondering why it's so hard to attract amazing clients consistently.

I finally realized, more recently that I'd like to admit, I was still hiding. I was afraid to put my work into the world in case no one wanted it. What I really wanted was for someone to say, "hey you, your stuff is great, come share it with my audience".  Finally I realized that that would never happen, not until I started first.

Putting out my content and message into the world had to begin with me. I  committed to showing up consistently and building my own meaningful relationships. The result? Much more clarity about how to gain visibility and grow my brand. And, of course, THIS PODCAST which I'm thrilled to host!


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